VR Painter Training Tools

Faster, safer, and more cost-effective tools for your painters, blasters, and powder coaters.

A Virtual Reality Painter Training Tool for Every Organization

SimSpray is the leading VR training tool for the painting and coating industry. With hands-on, realistic training environments, customizable training content, and real-time feedback, SimSpray provides faster, safer, and more cost-effective training experiences.

Training for Any Kind of Program:

There is a model for every size and type of program.



SimSpray® is a standalone training tool that supports a robust set of coating and blasting processes. SimSpray also offers larger parts for programs in manufacturing and workforce development organizations.

SimSpray Go

SimSpray Go® is a compact, portable version of SimSpray. SimSpray Go is tailored to support painter training for schools and specialty manufacturers with more mobile training needs.

Choose your Training Focus

All models include the Fundamentals as default training content. Choose one or more additional content packs to tailor SimSpray to your program needs.
icon - automotive



SimSpray Rail Content Pack


icon - furniture

Furniture & Cabinetry

Marine SS Icon


icon - building trades

Building Trades

Truck SS Icon




Better Painter Training with SimSpray

High-quality training features to support faster, safer, better training. These virtual reality training tools allow you to teach coating skills up to 5x faster and reduce material costs by up to 50%(1).
  • Live Performance Feedback

    Objective Analysis and Customizable Score Weighting

  • Paintometer® ROI Tracking

    Customizable Usage and Cost Savings Reporting

  • 20+ Parts and Training

    Work With an Endless Supply of Virtual Parts and Materials

  • Improved Trainee Safety

    No Chemical Hazards or Equipment Risks

  • Real-Time Motion Tracking

    With HTC VIVE's Optical Tracking System

  • Open Practice Mode

    Fast, Easy-to-Use and Unrestricted Access to Activities

  • Integrated Curriculum

    With Default and Customizable Courses and Lessons

“You push a button, and you have a clean part to start with. It gives a lot of repetitions in a pretty short period of time, which you can't get in production environments today.”

- New Model Paint Project Lead at East Liberty Auto Plant

“The software provides real-time feedback to the instructor as well. We can pause what they are doing and show them where they’ve moved the sprayer too quickly or too slowly. We can show them where they overlapped their paint layers too much or too little.”

- Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility

“Experienced painters visiting the school all comment on my students' technique and ask how they got to be so good.

My answer is SimSpray.”

- Program Head of Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology

“We use the simulator to help build up their muscle memory. When they pick up a real sprayer, the speed and distance must be second nature to them.”

- Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility

“SimSpray is a valuable tool to use for training paint associates for manual painting technique practice.”

“Increased associate practice/feedback 15x more than live painting.”

- Top 10 Auto Manufacturer

“Students are able to gain industry-specific skills through its interactive training simulator that is quick, safe, and cost-efficient.”

- Program Head of Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology

Discover How Easy Virtual Reality Training Can Be
