SimSpray 3.3 Update

The 3.3 update introduces broad updates to SimSpray's training content, adds more and bigger parts, and revamps projects with an easy-to-use interface.

SimSpray 3.3 Update

The 3.3 update introduces broad updates to SimSpray's training content, adds more and bigger parts, and revamps projects with an easy-to-use interface.

New: Paint Types and Material Systems

Create and practice with custom paints, coatings, and materials:

Customize viscosity, solids/liquid percent, flash time, RGB color selection, opacity, and gloss.

Create and save up to 8 different coating colors.

Works with paints, powder, and blast media.

Reference material spec sheets to create custom coatings inside SimSpray.

Create and practice with custom paints, coatings, and materials:

Customize viscosity, solids/liquid percent, flash time, RGB color selection, opacity, and gloss.

Create and save up to 8 different coating colors.

Works with paints, powder, and blast media.

Reference material spec sheets to create custom coatings inside SimSpray.

Industry Content Packs

VRSim is pleased to now offer tailored industry content add-on packages for SimSpray. Each is equipped with a unique set of parts, customized paint and material systems and learning curriculum, specific to its industry. Paint projects as large as a full-sized plane or practice painting walls and trim in our new Building Trades training rooms.

New Content Features

  • Support for larger custom parts.
  • A gantry system to move around select large parts.
  • A full-size plane in the Aerospace Content Pack.
  • A paintable sedan in the Automotive Content Pack.
  • Four paintable training rooms in the Building Trades Content Pack.


environment - mechanic garage


environment - hangar

New Content Features

  • Support for larger custom parts.
  • A gantry system to move around select large parts.
  • A full-size plane in the Aerospace Content Pack.
  • A paintable sedan in the Automotive Content Pack.
  • Four paintable training rooms in the Building Trades Content Pack.


environment - mechanic garage


environment - hangar

Building Trades

environment - training rooms

Furniture & Cabinetry

environment - woodshop


environment - underbridge

Building Trades

environment - training rooms

Furniture & Cabinetry

environment - woodshop


environment - underbridge

Introducing: Performance Portal

Our brand new web-based Performance Portal connects instructors and students to their ongoing progress within the curriculum.

Access Performance Portal's gradebook and student reports immediately using QR code navigation from SimSpray.


Access collective data in order to evaluate progress and/or identify opportunities for improvement with specific lessons or concepts.

Student Report
Report Details
Our brand new web-based Performance Portal connects instructors and students to their ongoing progress within the curriculum.

Access Performance Portal's gradebook and student reports immediately using QR code navigation from SimSpray.


Access collective student data in order to evaluate progress and/or identify opportunities for improvement with specific lessons or concepts.

Student Report
Report Details

Usability Upgrades

New Spray Gun Models

More Immersive Controls

New Spray Gun Models

More Immersive Controls

New User Resource Hubs

SimSpray Setup

Icon Sheet 250 x 250_Artboard 93

SimSpray Go Setup

icon - troubleshooting


SimSpray Setup

Icon Sheet 250 x 250_Artboard 93

SimSpray Go Setup

icon - troubleshooting


Contact VRSim or your SimSpray distributor for information, quotes, and demos.

Contact VRSim or your SimSpray distributor for information, quotes, and demos.

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