Announcing SimSpray 3.0

New, Streamlined, Easy-To-Use Setup

Announcing SimSpray® 3.0. We've made several improvements to the hardware and software for our new 3.0 model. This generation of SimSpray features the most intuitive and user-friendly training experience VRSim has made to date.
  • Lightweight, compact case with easy setup.
  • Professional-Grade HMD (VIVE Pro).
  • Weighted spray gun with adjustable controls.
  • Camera-based visual tracking (no stand required).
  • Support for larger parts.
  • Better realism for paint and blast processes.
  • Re-designed user-experience with immersive controls.

Streamlined Setup

SimSpray's setup process is easier than ever before. Integrated hardware and fewer components help to create a reliable and accessible training experience with minimal setup.

The new setup process is complete in a few simple steps:

  • Position SimSpray in an open space.
  • Plug the power cable in.
  • Raise the 'camera' arms with the VIVE Base Stations.
  • Open the lid.
  • ​Press the power button to turn it on.

On-screen guidance and built-in calibration tools will help with any additional setup that might be necessary.

In-Sim User Controls


Control the training environment from inside the HMD. Access SimSpray's suite of project controls and performance feedback with a new virtual tablet. Turn on cues, review performance, change coats, and restart the project without removing the HMD.

Move the tablet around the environment for easy access or leave it on the virtual environment's walls to keep it out of the way.


Advanced ROI Tracking

SimSpray's Paintometer® tracks more ROI information for more specific reporting. Switch to Paintometer's 'Advanced' readout for detailed calculations on:

  • Booth active and idle time.
  • Material use and waste.
  • Project ​​part consumption.
  • Lifetime and Trip reports.
  • VOC emissions.

Admins or instructors can enter their own costs in the Paintometer for tailored ROI reports.

Contact VRSim or your SimSpray distributor for information, quotes, and demos.

Discover How Easy Virtual Reality Training Can Be
