New HMD-Free Training Mode

VR HMD-Free Painter Training

Users will complete projects with motion-tracked equipment and use on-screen controls to access performance analysis, feedback, and adjust the part.

SimSpray® 3.0 and SimSpray Go™ models now include an HMD-Free training mode. SimSpray's new HMD-Free mode is an admin-enabled mode that allows users to train without the use of a VR head-mounted display (HMD). This new mode makes SimSpray's virtual training, hands-on practice, and performance feedback available outside of the immersive environment.

HMD-Free mode removes the immersive aspect of SimSpray's painter training. Access to the remaining training features are still available, including:

  • Accessible, hands-on training experience with virtual paint projects.
  • Paintometer® ROI tracking.
  • Performance cues (angle, distance, speed).
  • Detailed performance feedback for technique and coating quality.

Consult VRSim or your SimSpray distributor for instructions and information.

Discover How Easy Virtual Reality Training Can Be
