About Us

Meet VRSim, Inc.

VRSim creates VR training solutions that enhance learning outcomes through increased engagement, knowledge retention, and personalized feedback. These products improve the scalability and accessibility of hands-on skill development, enabling organizations to train faster, safer, and more effectively. Our immersive experiences help trainees develop skills and master techniques.

Our Mission

VRSim uses immersive technology to modernize and enhance skills training with practical applications of advanced technology. Our innovative and nationally recognized products reinvigorate the workforce pipeline, enhance learning, build skills faster, and create better qualified employees. With our in-depth technological and product knowledge, proven product quality, and positive value turnkey systems, VRSim remains the company of choice for some of the most respected companies and institutions in the world.


Our Innovation

SimSpray replicates traditional kinesthetic learning experiences and augments them with multifaceted benefits of virtual reality simulation. Programs using our immersive training products benefit from faster training results, foster collaboration among trainees, and reduce program costs. Using VR to supplement education and training efforts reduces safety risks, increases access to skill-building experiences, and improves learning outcomes.

SimSpray supports all program sizes, administrators, program managers, trainers, and trainees with meaningful education tools:

  • Real-time feedback and analysis
  • Realistic environments
  • Basic to complex project parts
  • Unlimited practice time with repeatable lessons
  • Integrated ROI tracking for time and materials
  • In-the-moment cues and evaluation
  • Detailed scoring and performance breakdowns
  • Customizable training content and parts

All this comes in an easy-to-use "plug and play" format that can be set up in minutes.

Our Team

VRSim’s experts have decades of experience working with immersive technology and designing practical training solutions. Driven by a passion for education and training, our team continues to innovate and shape the future of immersive learning. With unwavering dedication to advancing technology and transforming the way skills are acquired, VRSim remains a trusted leader in the field, revolutionizing training methodologies and maximizing human potential.


Our sales team is here to answer your questions and help you determine which SimSpray model and add-ons best match your training needs.


Our support team will assist you with any virtual painter training needs. Contact us for training tips, troubleshooting, technical support, and questions and concerns.


Our developer team has firsthand experience with the training and concepts we provide. We work with subject matter experts and rely on industry feedback to ensure SimSpray’s training value.

Discover How Easy Virtual Reality Training Can Be
