Am\u00e9liorez votre programme de formation.<\/strong> SimSpray\u00ae est facile \u00e0 utiliser, r\u00e9duit les d\u00e9penses de formation continue et aidera vos programmes de formation s'ex\u00e9cutent plus rapidement, plus s\u00fbrement et plus efficacement.<\/p>\r\n En savoir plus <\/a> Contactez-nous <\/a> “You push a button, and you have a clean part to start with. It gives a lot of repetitions in a pretty short period of time, which you can’t get in production environments today.”<\/strong>– Le projet de peinture du nouveau mod\u00e8le est men\u00e9 \u00e0 l'usine automobile d'East Liberty<\/a><\/em><\/p>\r\n “Experienced painters visiting the school all comment on my students’ technique and ask how they got to be so good. <\/strong>My answer is SimSpray.”<\/strong>– Program Head of Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology<\/em><\/p>\r\n “We use the simulator to help build up their muscle memory. When they pick up a real sprayer, the speed and distance must be second nature to them.”<\/strong>– Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility<\/a><\/em><\/p>\r\n “SimSpray is a valuable tool to use for training paint associates for manual painting technique practice…<\/strong>Increased associate practice\/feedback 15x more than live painting.”<\/strong>– Top 10 Auto Manufacturer<\/em><\/p>\r\n “Students are able to gain industry-specific skills through its interactive training simulator that is quick, safe, and cost-efficient.”<\/strong>– Responsable du programme de technologie de r\u00e9paration et de finition de carrosserie<\/a><\/em><\/p>\r\n SimSpray has virtual reality training content for…<\/p>\r\n \u00c9ducation<\/p>\r\n<\/li>\r\n Formation juste-\u00e0-temps<\/p>\r\n<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n Recrutement<\/p>\r\n<\/li>\r\n R\u00e9duction des co\u00fbts<\/p>\r\n<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n Qualification<\/p>\r\n<\/li>\r\n Exposition professionnelle<\/p>\r\n<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n Perfectionnement des comp\u00e9tences<\/p>\r\n<\/li>\r\n D\u00e9veloppement de la main-d'\u0153uvre<\/p>\r\n<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n SimSpray \u00e9limine les obstacles \u00e0 l'exp\u00e9rience d'apprentissage. Fournir une formation pratique sans la cabine de pulv\u00e9risation, les mat\u00e9riaux, l'installation, les tracas ou l'\u00e9quipement n\u00e9cessaires pour d\u00e9marrer un projet de rev\u00eatement typique. Compl\u00e9tez et r\u00e9p\u00e9tez facilement les projets de rev\u00eatement pour aider les stagiaires \u00e0 apprendre et \u00e0 ma\u00eetriser les comp\u00e9tences plus rapidement.<\/p>\r\n Co\u00fbts d'exploitation<\/p>\r\n Co\u00fbts des mat\u00e9riaux<\/p>\r\n Plus d'exp\u00e9rience VRSim<\/a><\/strong> is a leading provider of virtual reality (VR) training solutions for skilled trades. Our immersive skills training systems bring cost-effective experiences, actionable performance insights, and just-in-time training to manufacturers, workforce development, and educational organizations across the globe. VRSim specializes in a practical approach to VR training that uses technology innovations to deliver easy-to-use, value-driven tools that improve learning outcomes. VRSim’s SimSpray empowers instructors<\/strong> with performance analysis and curriculum-building tools and engages trainees<\/strong> with hands-on experiences and a bit of healthy competition. Contactez-nous <\/a> 111 Roberts\u00a0St. Suite L 860 893 0080<\/strong><\/p>\r\n<\/li>\r\n info@VRSim.net<\/p>\r\n<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":" Virtual Reality Painter Training Enhance your training program. SimSpray\u00ae is easy to use, reduces ongoing training expenses, and will help your programs train quicker, safer, and more efficiently. Learn More Contact Us SimSpray is the Leading VR Training Tool for the Painting and Coating Industry. “You push a button, and you have a clean part …<\/p>\n<\/p>\r\n
SimSpray is the Leading VR Training Tool for the Painting and Coating Industry.<\/h2>\r\n
Au service de l'\u00e9ducation et de l'industrie<\/h2>\r\n
Rev\u00eatements par pulv\u00e9risation<\/h2>\r\n
Rev\u00eatement en poudre<\/h2>\r\n
Abrasion par projection (grenaillage)<\/h2>\r\n
Transport ferroviaire<\/h3>\r\n
Furniture & Cabinetry<\/h3>\r\n
M\u00e9tiers du b\u00e2timent<\/h3>\r\n
Principes fondamentaux<\/h3>\r\n
Formation efficace<\/h3>\r\n
Retour d'information imm\u00e9diates<\/h3>\r\n
Parcours d'apprentissage personnalis\u00e9s<\/h3>\r\n
Apprentissage collaboratif<\/h3>\r\n
Enseignement efficace<\/h3>\r\n
Exp\u00e9rience ind\u00e9pendante<\/h3>\r\n
Indices de formation<\/h3>\r\n
Formation juste-\u00e0-temps<\/h3>\r\n
Pr\u00e9sent\u00e9 par VRSim :<\/h3>\r\n
D\u00e9couvrez \u00e0 quel point la formation en r\u00e9alit\u00e9 virtuelle peut \u00eatre facile<\/h2>\r\n
Produits <\/a><\/h5>\r\n
Informations sur le produit<\/h3>\r\n<\/li>\r\n
SimSpray Go<\/h3>\r\n<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n
Support <\/a><\/h5>\r\n
Portail des performances<\/h3>\r\n<\/li>\r\n
Mises \u00e0 jour<\/h3>\r\n<\/li>\r\n
Support technique<\/h3>\r\n<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>\r\n
Entrer en contact <\/a><\/h5>\r\n
East Hartford, CT 06108<\/p>\r\n<\/li>\r\n