
Formation de peintre en r\u00e9alit\u00e9 virtuelle<\/h1>\r\n

Am\u00e9liorez votre programme de formation.<\/strong> SimSpray\u00ae est facile \u00e0 utiliser, r\u00e9duit les d\u00e9penses de formation continue et aidera vos programmes de formation s'ex\u00e9cutent plus rapidement, plus s\u00fbrement et plus efficacement.<\/p>\r\n

En savoir plus <\/a> Contactez-nous <\/a> \"SimSpray<\/p>\r\n

SimSpray is the Leading VR Training Tool for the Painting and Coating Industry.<\/h2>\r\n

“You push a button, and you have a clean part to start with. It gives a lot of repetitions in a pretty short period of time, which you can’t get in production environments today.”<\/strong>Le projet de peinture du nouveau mod\u00e8le est men\u00e9 \u00e0 l'usine automobile d'East Liberty<\/a><\/em><\/p>\r\n

“Experienced painters visiting the school all comment on my students’ technique and ask how they got to be so good. <\/strong>My answer is SimSpray.”<\/strong>– Program Head of Collision Repair and Refinishing Technology<\/em><\/p>\r\n

“We use the simulator to help build up their muscle memory. When they pick up a real sprayer, the speed and distance must be second nature to them.”<\/strong>Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility<\/a><\/em><\/p>\r\n

“SimSpray is a valuable tool to use for training paint associates for manual painting technique practice…<\/strong>Increased associate practice\/feedback 15x more than live painting.”<\/strong>– Top 10 Auto Manufacturer<\/em><\/p>\r\n

“Students are able to gain industry-specific skills through its interactive training simulator that is quick, safe, and cost-efficient.”<\/strong>Responsable du programme de technologie de r\u00e9paration et de finition de carrosserie<\/a><\/em><\/p>\r\n

Au service de l'\u00e9ducation et de l'industrie<\/h2>\r\n

SimSpray has virtual reality training content for…<\/p>\r\n


Rev\u00eatements par pulv\u00e9risation<\/h2>\r\n


Rev\u00eatement en poudre<\/h2>\r\n


Abrasion par projection (grenaillage)<\/h2>\r\n